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Marco Moreno

Mr. Posner
If you think the Economy is the organization and administration by home, the Global Economy should be "the organization and administration by the World" With great interest in Health, Education and Welfare of all mankind. Mr. Posner it's possible!
Congratulation for your book A Failure of Capitalism.
You are a great and honest person

runescape accounts

Just wanted to say HI. I found your blog a few days ago and have been reading it over the past few days.


Dateline: Nigeria, Abuja, May 04 2009 3:15PM.

Press Release:
IPHF warns against politicizing and sensationalizing of the H1N1 Virus

Dr. Francis Ohanyido the President of the International Public Health Forum (IPHF) has warned the media and public officials to be careful about the way they portray the H1N1 virus aka ‘swine flu’. Answering questions on the evolving pandemic in Abuja yesterday, the IPHF boss admonished against unnecessary sensationalism of the issue by the media and advised journalists to give the public accurate information that can assist in mitigating the spread. He also reacted to statements by public officers like US Vice-President Joe Biden that was credited to have advised Americans against some forms of transportation. He advised that whenever possible notable figures should endeavour to have a perspective of WHO’s global and public health posture on such issues before making categorical statements.
The Forum is wholly in support of the direction, drive and leadership of the WHO, and agrees with Keiji Fukuda, Assistant Director-General of the UN Health body the epidemiological picture is still evolving and heightened vigilance and improved reporting structure is critical, especially in view of the sustained human transmission that has so far been seen particularly in Mexico and other countries. He further advised that the term H1N1 should be used rather than the ‘swine flu’ which is to some extent misleading a lot of people into the impression that the flu is actively being spread by pigs or circulating amongst them. In this sense, he reiterated that the case is not exactly the same as experienced with the H5N1 (‘Bird flu’).
Ohanyido further called upon countries challenged by resources to make great effort to ensure that a pandemic response system in line with WHO recommendation is in place, so as to reduce possible cost profile in the case of a wider pandemic escalating to Level 6.


Everyone seems to be of the opinion that pandemics and epidemics are a bad thing. Both due to the tragedy of the loss of life and their potential economic impact, etc.

I'm going to propose just the opposite. Actually, they (pandemics/epidemics) may well be a good thing. From nature's standpoint there is the immutable Law of "Carrying Capacity" that applies to any Eco-system. Such that, once that Capacity is exceeded, the eco-system collapses and with it, population density. Bringing the population back into line with Carrying Capacity for that Eco-system. This is somewhat Malthusian in perspective. As for those psky pandemics and epidemics, they may be doing us a favor by helping to reduce the population density on the planet. This place ain't known as Spaceship Earth for nothing.

Bearing this in mind, we may not want to develop prior response actions to pandemics. Utilizing valuable resources that are desperately needed to supply the exponentially growing population.

runescap gold

Just wanted to say HI. I found your blog a few days ago and have been reading it over the past few days.


Neil? Are you in a negative mood? It's not the numbers that ruin the eco-system but how much scare or polluting resources are consumed/wasted per individual. As for birth rate, it looks as though the best thing is a nation of high median income. Note that the US and most of Europe (and now China) aren't even reproducing themselves with all of the population growth coming from immigration.

We're at least TALKING about lessening our carbon and other footprints on earth and actually doing something here and there as well. Per capita energy consumption in CA has been flat for a decade or more. And hey! perhaps a new generation of cars (and less corruption in DC?) and we could go back to eating corn flakes and tortillas instead of trying to power our 3 ton "personal transportation" with corn.

But let's consider what you suggest in your dark mood: I guess this flu has a good basic design as it apparently kills more kids than old folks. For your purposes it's best to kill 'em off early, right? before a too many resources have been wasted? And if earlier is better and nature produces too many, it would seem the abortionist would be something of a hero? Does Hitler's approach figure in as well?

I guess the random, "luck of the draw" of pestilence is better, though my guess is it would skew to poorer folk who use less resources? Wouldn't you want something that would pre-select those likely to build massive homes, buy twin engine yachts and drive big cars and motor homes?

BTW........... a much more seriously; I never really understood the role of Social Security as a young man until I spent a year in Korea.

There, "social security" was having five or so healthy children with the hopes of perhaps one becoming wealthy, or, at least that the five might eke out enough to support surviving parents in their old age along with saving a fairly high percentage of a small salary. Many liked to gamble too as hitting a jackpot was the ONLY way out of a tough existence. Kinda sounds like the US today with our lotteries and pandemic of casinos?

Nah.......... becoming fairly wealthy and averaging just two kids per couple ---- a bit late in life so as to avoid overlapping generations seems a lot better.


شات صوتي


The article is little old but got quality information, thank you


I tried to think so, but I found it was not as the same in the actual process. As you mentioned, I still have doubts, but really thank you for sharing!


For this matter, once I discussed with one of my friends, not only about the content you talked about, but also to how to improve and develop, but no results. So I am deeply moved by what you said today.


Once upon a time there was a child ready to be born.
One day the child asked God: "They tell me you are going to send me to earth tomorrow but
how am I going to live there being so small and helpless?"




I am glad to talk with you and you give me great help! Thanks for that,I am wonderring if I can contact you via email when I meet problems.


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شات صوتي










Incredible site!


Incredible site!


thanks for your




If you have to do it, you might as well do it right.


Incredible site!

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